remembering the Municipality request made on 15 August 2013

15A Blairgowrie Road - Municipality bill sep 2019

AT LEAST NO FURTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES SUPPLIED TO THE INVESTMENT! Nevertheless, we volunteer paying a small contribution to this account in order to keep this essential evidence alive

Metro-bill April 2019 15A BlRd 83184160954_20190425 (1)

unchanged, solid evidence of ownership at the relevant location in South Africa

15A Blairgowrie Road bill April 2018 -83184160954_20180427

AT LEAST NO FURTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES SUPPLIED TO THE INVESTMENT! Nevertheless, we volunteer paying a small contribution to this account in order to keep this essential evidence alive

28 October 20017 Tax invoice no: 8318416295417/10/01

MetroBill9 (June 2017) 15ABlairRd 83184160954-20170628

No dates on the submissions we made. I e-mailed administrating Staff about the inconvenience 29 June 2017, also reminded the incoherent items on the February 2017 invoice still to be explained.

15A Blairgowrie Road VAT record (March 2017)

the following invoice showing a credit balance of ZAR1,020.64 from a balance brought forward of: ZERO
very incoherent, indeed! Submitted remittance from off SA shores to continue.

Now we suddenly have a refund of ZAR 29,187.12 (origin only basically but NOT detailed explained). Also an unexplained charge of an alleged "overdue" amount of ZAR 22,758.79 nobody at the Municipality could explain to me so far. Most remarkable, the account seems to settle to a zero balance!!! How?

on 22nd October 2016 the investment related account still shows no sign that the Authority is crediting the requested inrrorectly billed utility services we have been paying for from Non South African accounts according to VAT demand from aforesaid Authority and Issuer. Nevertheless aforementioned the deposit amount as well as some interest, its calculation without transparency, had been credited to the Investment related account. Total amount we should see here being in credit should be more than ZAR 40,000.oo

26 August 2016, requesting an authentic, financially regulated statement from any prospectively financially regulated entity or service provider who could have solicited any alleged execution of the foreign investment to South Africa known as 15A Blairgowrie Road, indicating who could have been paid what amount of money on what date, if any. Also asking if there is any member of staff working in the sheriff's office barring the name " Steffen Wolfrum", who could have tempered with such, strange, incoherrent sale poceedings as advised.

MetroBill9 (July 2016)

We appear now looking at a blank VAT invoice-page, to the investor, where all previous balances except the deposit seem to have simply vanished without trace, aren't we?? Remarkable accounting, again?

  • Municipality notice and e-attachment of recent VAT-invoicing

    Municipality notice saying, quote: " Please note, if you do not have any utility charges in this month's bill, they will be included in your next bill.

  • greenpower1wo response on 05 July 2016

    greenpower1wo responding, including several key-offices as addressees, the deeds recording office in Johannesburg South Africa, too.

  • one of the most recent transaction proof from foreign capital to South Africa (checked 07 July 2016)

    authentic proof the account-83184160954- being served from foreign unique non South African Financial Service provider for many years, continuously.

MetroBill9 (June 2016)

official remittance record 27 June 2016

  • greenpower1wo response on 02 July 2016

    Without prejudice and without interfering into South African internal matters I am confident you will respect that this Investment is of international nature and can not have been legitimately sold, as you stated, without authentic financial records to your advised conclusion. These I, again, request to be furnished with, as well as a clear explanation how I could possibly still be legitimately charged and VAT invoiced by the same entity/SAgov org, till today (in 2016), who to your statement could have sold aforesaid invoice-related international land & property in 2012.

    An appropriate completed transfer would to my best knowledge, by national or international law, not permit such phenomenon ,would it?

    account -83081123380- got continued, consolidated in account -83184160954- relevant and active till today(2016). Account 83231038690 as showing in below report has no connection to S.Wolfrum T/As greenpower1wo, 15A Blairgowrie Road!

  • Municipality response on 7th December 2015

    because the addressed municipality department appears wishing to pass the responsibility to the department where matter allocation actually originated from, aforementioned having made clear that this particular member of staff has not, quote "the Authority....."

  • the municipality report of alleged sale of 15A Blairgowrie Road

    this essential transparency were supposed to reach me years ago if the dates as well as other contents there being correct.
    This document might suggest the investment went into enforcement action over an indicated debt of ZAR 6,899.oo. It is quite incoherent to the investment associated account-83184160954-, which seems having survived advising times till 07 June 2016 when this information reached the foreign investor to South Africa. Aforesaid account being in credit!

    The account 83231038690 in this report appears without any relation to the investor S. Wolfrum as well as the Investment 15A Blairgowrie Road itself, to my records!
    I have never seen this account before as well no records show such account later on or before that date 28 Nov 2012, strangely.
    At a later telecommunication with Mr Archie van Der Meer (member of staff of the EThekwini Municipality) aforementioned revealed that this account being a "ledger-account" the accountholder not gets access to or being informed about - very strange looking at the dates and the figures there!

    The position debt ZAR 3,235.oo March 2014 completely contradicts the VAT invoice showing about ZAR 500.oo in credit, nothing to pay! (please note below PDF record "March 2014")

  • Municipality response on 27 June 2016

    the Municipality of Durban's official statement notes everything is "appropriate" strangely, being totally incoherent to me.
    Reason why I request authentic financial records backing the deeds entries after Steffen Wolfrum because records provided contradict each other in both quantity and quality.

    This request of supporting essential douments/bankstatements appears without any response till today

MetroBill9 (May 2016)

official remittance record 28 May 2016

MetroBill9 (April 2016)

official remittance record 28 April 2016

MetroBill9 (November 2015)

official remittance record November 2015

MetroBill9 (April 2014)

official remittance record April 2014

MetroBill9 (March 2014)

official remittance record March 2014, strangely the report provided indicates a debt of allegedly ZAR 3,235.oo despite this account is in credit on the official recording and e-service."payable Nil"

MetroBill9 (January 2014)

official remittance record January 2014

MetroBill9 (April 2013)

official remittance record April 2013

MetroBill9 (February 2005)

official remittance record February 2005, the year 15A Blairgowrie Road became entirely foreign to South Africa when Standard Bank SA got paid off in total. No third party interest, any longer!