IMG_20171116_0001_Warning South African chief Registrar deeds 15A Blairgowrie Road

A note about the telecommunication with the South African Chief Registrar regarding deeds about the Investment 15A Blairgowrie Road to South Africa on 26 October 2017 had been made on 5 November 2017.

third response and request addressing the sheriff's office in 2017 remains without any reply received at this end of the line and experienced inconvenience.

second response and request addressing the sheriff's office in 2017 remains without any reply received at this end of the line and experienced inconvenience.

first response and request addressing the sheriff's office in 2017

this was the sheriff's report received not before 13 August 2017 being in deep contrast to all previously received advice from this office also looking at the dates nothing seem to make sense here, and the alleged sum of ZAR99,000.oo lacks confirmation being received by the Municipality - no such monies have been monitored in the municipality administrated,investment-related account 83184160954- strangely! reception lingers as unconfirmed - possibly no trace of such transaction recoverable

my conclusion of the South African deeds offices's advise and statements received being responded to, solely, to report matters to the South African Police Services, which we did in 2011 and 2015 already

deeds office SA being advised 1-17

a long lasting email conversation finalised in the South African deeds office had been advised about matters and facts, which do not permit concluding in any valid sale whatsoever form or quality.

The alleged attorneys, Municipality staff advised us to, who at times fail to furnish us with a valid mandate saying who they might represent on who's behalf in what matters, closed down. All records shall therefore be in the possession of the eThekwini Municipality.

  • surge for authentic, financial records about an alleged sale of 15A reveals

    not before 11 June 2014 I have been contacted by the sheriff office, above, suggesting there is ZAR 600,507.52 surplus, no sign of origin and sensible accounts-statements.
    Other documents suggest an alleged second transaction of this Investment after the Steffen Wolfrum deeds entry on 19 February 2013, when Simafield Prorietary, transferring to C.P.Cele, whilst Steffen Wolfrum still being VAT invoiced for 15A Blairgowrie Road paying from foreign source to South Africa.

  • surge for authentic, financial records about an alleged sale of 15A reveals

    I respond to this email advising that there is no sensible ground before me to believe I am not the registered proprietor of the land and property known as 15A Blairgowrie Road, referring to the Municipality's advice dated 15 August 2013 and their VAT invoicing on this property, accordingly

  • surge for authentic, financial records about an alleged sale of 15A reveals

    on 26 August 2016 the very same source comes up with more detailed suggestions but the surplus sum is now very different to the one advised in the very first instance. This office like all other seems to be unable to provide an authentic bank statement of what could prove what happened here, an essential to any sale proceeding. All involved parties from Standard Bank to current occupant of 15A Blairgowrie Road appear having been warned, tolerated and therefore accepted that 15A Blairgowrie Road being VAT invoiced to a foreign National to South Africa who financed this Investment from foreign funds to South Africa in full, till today Municipality account number -83184160954- registered link to no other but Mr Steffen Wolfrum. Even the deeds office does not want to provide any financial records for their questioned,alleged entries and wishes no further communication in this regard to be entertained, to evidence on my file.