service charge arears journal Vv 1-14
Since the dubious, questionable, apparent change of lessee at 4A Br. Ave without proceeding according to lease stipulation by original lessees, disregarding amendments made service charges unpaid.
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
page 1 of the original lease, indicating the original pruchase price as 1,300, which to modern times might be an open market value of above 200,000.oo so to officail sites
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
page 2
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
drawing of the ground orccupied by 4/4A Brendon Avenue
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
page 4 of the original lease, indicating the original rent in relation to the original pruchase price as 1,300, which to modern times might be above 1,076.95, which has been considered in the amendmend agreed with Mr and Mrs. Venegas
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
page 5
4a Brendon Avenue original lease
page 6 of the original lease, indicating the original notice fee in relation to the original pruchase price as 1,300, which to modern times might be above 338,47 depending on the geuine, agreed sales price
amendment to lease 4A BrAv page 1
In order to take the very old lease modern lessees seem to insit relying on to a more relistic level an attachment and amendment to the aforesaid lease had been ratified with Mr and Mrs Veneas on 29 June 2005
amendment to lease 4A BrAv page 2
In order to take the very old lease modern lessees seem to insit relying on to a more relistic level an attachment and amendment to the aforesaid lease had been ratified with Mr and Mrs Veneas on 29 June 2005
agreed amendment to original lease 4A BrAv page 1
In order to take the very old lease modern lessees seem to insit relying on to a more realistic level an attachment and amendment to the aforesaid lease had been ratified with Mr and Mrs Veneas
Latest comments
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?