discrepancy in set boundaries, in relation to original drawings for 15A Blairgowrie Road
....more details in sub-page "drawings new develop."
discrepancy in set boundaries, in relation to original drawings for 15A Blairgowrie Road
....more details in sub-page "drawings new develop."
discrepancy in set boundaries, in relation to original drawings for 15A Blairgowrie Road
August 2021, the original Bungalow style property demolished and removed, without giving notice to us.
SAPS respons to 15 Oct 2020 email CCF20201207_0015
Isn't it like acquiescence, sitting on a mary-go-around? How could it be the investors' liability to address the National Prosecution of the Sovereignty we invested to, looking at offices warned?
Minist.SAPS 1-20page1
Due to South African Police Services - Westville Police station, directed by member of Staff, Brigadier Holby, insisting there is no criminal activity - this matters forwarded to cur. Minister of SAPS
Minist.SAPS 1-20page2
Due to South African Police Services - Westville Police station, directed by member of Staff, Brigadier Holby, insisting there is no criminal activity - this matters forwarded to cur. Minister of SAPS
Minist.SAPS 1-20page3
Due to South African Police Services - Westville Police station, directed by member of Staff, Brigadier Holby, insisting there is no criminal activity - this matters forwarded to cur. Minister of SAPS
DPCI anti corruption SA 1-20
finalising 2020 investigation, making clear, member of Staff in the Local SA Govern., naming the eThekwini Municipality of Durban in co-operation with C.P. Cele & Standard Bank facilitated this mess.
matters of fact 2019 .pdf; South African Gov-compensation 15A Blairgowrie Road 1-19
brief, comprehensive list of unique facts at the time of closing investigation 2019 supported by solid evidence.
investigation into any possible essential court of justice involvement
On 30th January 2019, we met South African Police services, a meeting arranged by Mr Holby responsibly and respectfully on my, the investor's request, other South African government organisation present on aforesaid date.
All attending had been warned that there had been no court case, which should have been an essential forgoing protocol for any alleged enforcement actions in due course, the investor at the acknowledged Non-South African address, 4 Brendon Avenue, should have been warned about, on time, if such court proceedings would have uniquely happened, indeed. We contacted the alleged Court who apparently initiated proceeding with the result of having difficulties to deliver in the first instance and once delivery happened, we did not receive any response till aforesaid meeting on 30th Jan 2019. The deadline for the Court addressed to respond had been the 24th January 2015
investigation into any possible essential court of justice involvement
On 15 August 2013, the Ethekwini Municipality of Durban verified Steffen Wolfrum being the responsible enrolled owner, investor and sole proprietor of 15A Blairgowrie Road, 3629 Westville, South Africa, by email, requesting to register for online billing what had been followed promptly at relevant times.
7th April 2014 we noticed, questioned, dubious deeds-amendments after the investor to South Africa, naming Steffen Wolfrum, via a third party and C. P.Cele in Standard Bank South Africa's financial favour to 100%, the Bank who knew best this investment being foreign to South Africa to their records as well as serving the eThekwini Municipality at the same time, knowing very well that Steffen Wolfrum being billed for 15A Blairgowrie Road, all VAT invoices paid in his name.
23 December 2014 we did contact the alleged Court in action but experienced extreme delivery difficulties with the result - finally delivered - the request attached here did not receive any response suggesting we got disregarded.
unwanted and questioned occupation of 15A Blairgowrie Road withou the investors consent
Unequivocally, enclosed authentic copy of email-notification, sent from Philani Cele address, advised alteration to building substance without the original foreign investor’s (to South Africa) consent, on 23 April 2013.
The investor is also abundantly clear advised, appearing to be attempted being deprived of his rights to enter and enjoy benefits of his investment, peacefully, on unprecedented and non supported declaration, Chistian Philani Cele declaring himself as the new owner of 15A Blairgowrie Road, at relevant times.
Only 12 days before the above showing action we met Mr C. P. Cele and Mr F.Hoomer at the investment under witness surveillance and record taking when both have been clearly made aware that 15A Blairgowrie Road is of foreign nature to South Africa since 2005.
All appeared understanding and acknowledged concerns addressed to them but left the site suddenly altogether.
Further, all having been aware that Steffen Wolfrum was being billed for services delivered to the investment, also acknowledged my advice that the electric meter being by-passed and the 8KVA diesel generator, imported to South Africa, still being in place at the time having had no interlock, which could essentially have separated both energy generations from each other, a technical necessity if mains being re-connected. All other services supplied to the investment seem to have been counted regularly and billed via VAT invoice to no other than Steffen WOLFRUM till far beyond 7 April 2014 (meaning 2017 TO SOLID RECORDS ALSO PUBLISHED IN EXTRACT ON THIS PAGE).
case opened for missing equipment & fraudulent SA-transfers
In January 2018, again we report back to the South African Police Services the loss of the 8KVA diesel-generator of British manufacturing being a taxed, cleared Import to South Africa, commissioned in early 2012.
This happened in sequence to the report we made in 2015, which seems to have had no results at the South African Police Services til this year.
We produced evidence and testified (one witness included) but also advised that police officers have inspected 15A Blairgowrie Road in 2011, when on video, also publicised here, the generator just got delivered and being seen not integrated into the property, yet, at times.
MetroBill9 (January 2014)
The official VAT invoice issue by no different than the South African local Authority named as eThekwini Municipality of Durban, which had been attached to the above request, showing all the details.
Latest comments
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa www.greenpopwer1wo.co.uk updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa www.greenpopwer1wo.co.uk updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?