remarkable discoveries in 2022
From one extreme of complete, probably deliberate, pre-meditated negligence of building maintenance to complete new developments, well out-sizing the buildings in this area, showing an intention of multi occupational usage, seems to fit into the puzzle we still have no financial record about, provided by initiating occupants, these occupants totally unwanted there, and most probably instigating South African Financial Service Providers, who might be potentially, supposedly involved in this new development, too. Regardless aforementioned, remarkably, South African Police Offices still remain inactive against the fact that we now not just appear having lost a diesel generator import to South Africa having been installed and include the fixtures to the original Bungalow style property, we once purchased in 1999, from foreign cleared and taxed funds to South Africa via Standard Bank SA on the South African end of the line but appear looking at a complete demolishing of the original property to South Africa without any forgoing notice to us. There is also no intention noted that an investigation request for fraud had been followed up but being "cancelled" and set into SAPS archives on the grounds totally unknown and incomprehensible to us if there had been any at all.
To records on file, on the second of April 2022 we parked the caravan into the driveway with forgoing warnings for weeks this to happen, warnings passed to SAPS offices on record via email and personal visits to Westville police station commencing in January 2022 all appear disregarded. There had been inappropriate suggestions made about the fact that this land and property remains foreign to South Africa regardless of the South African Admin vision and the current occupant who still appears to be the initiating core of all the mystery and new developments there. MR C.P. CELE to be named as the aforementioned instigating source attending in person on the 2nd April 2022 did not bother to provide any valid document in hard print, which could be taken as evidence in sensible consideration of fairness and compliance of transparency the South African Republic and their citizen appear to be committed to by the South African Constitution, which accepts International Treaties and Convention by being a member of the UN, Commonwealth and SADC. The latest mentioned treaties advise to TRANSPARENCY; FAIRNESS & SUSTAINABLE ADMIN PERFORMANCE at all times, so to these records. Mr Cele and his "friends", which seem to include at least parts of the South African Police Services, appear to have a very different opinion about such matters of fact.
Consequently, the mystery seems to continue in the South African way of assessing this matter, regardless we monitor and have a quite firm understanding and interpretation of all discoveries, which appear to make sense, assembling all the hard-earned pieces of the puzzle together, which mainly boil down to National differences and a conflict of personal interests of the investors' intentions and wishes in relation to the current unwanted occupants' and their activities, very likely to be supported by "friends" we do have no supporting evidence about as they appear being powerful enough to remain anonym behind South African "laws" and admin Structures. The last-mentioned would sensibly explain why the South African Police Service at least parts of it appear to act the way they do, quite so?
Latest comments
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?