international investment treaty matter 15A Blairgowrie road 3629 Westville South Africa 1-22
..and that is what it looks all about in facts to figures, uniquely and to the best knowledge to supporting evidence recoded. We meanwhile instigated a contract with solar4life renewable e- solutions.
poignant discovery
poigant discovery in 2019 continues
deeds office SA being advised 1-17
a long lasting email conversation finalised in the South African deeds office had been advised about matters and facts, which do not permit concluding in any valid sale, whatsoever form or quality.
eviction notice philani 3-14
At relevant times unwanted occupants, occupying our South African Investment 15A Blairgowrie Road had been notified to vacate the premises and report back to us their vacation from there.
loss & damage received at our South African Investment ; to records November 2016
up-date November 2016, utility had been stopped accounting because no sensible VAT-invoice had been received at time of print (interest only at a rate of 11.8%)
loss & damage received at our South African Investment ; to records March 2017
up-date March 2017, utility back to accounting in order to keep this account alive remittance has been voluntarily submitted to Nedbank under protest, solely. A new VAT-invoice format has been received with very strange and unexplained items and lump sums, there. The account is showing zero balance with no trace where credited amounts went nor the alleged "overdue" might originate from. I can notice attempts to eliminate this Investment-related-account, being the only financial trace describing the cause of events at least partly. Please refer to "municipality Records" page for further details (interest only at a rate of 11.8%)
loss & damage received at our South African Investment 15A BlRd
since legitimate purchase in 1999, very little return or benefit had been received but aforementioned land & property obviously having been very beneficial to South African entities, private businesses and South African individuals or members of the South African economic packt with bordering Southern African Sovereignties. Mainly the denied access to our investment in relation to lack of care and respect to the investor and the Investment, itself, the progressive claim against the South African Government or aforementioned entities appears being sensible & reasonable but being set & offered timelessly as a point to re-establish a better relationship with the International Community because these monies to be offered back to South Africa for renewable, sustainable energy concepts, education and training on this technology and further housing-investments via the investors' control and monitoring. (to ICSID)
loss & damage received at our South African Investment ; to records August 2016
up-date August 2016, utility had been stopped accounting because no sensible VAT-invoice had been received at time of print (interest only at a rate of 11.8%)
loss & damage received at our South African Investment; to records September 2016
up-date September 2016, utility had been stopped accounting because no sensible VAT-invoice had been received at time of print (interest only at a rate of 11.8%)
Latest comments
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?