essential exterior maintenance
Since Barclays PLC appears quiet, from the last contact in Spring 2022, due to the relevant mortgage agreement has not just been served but actually overpaid to evidence and supporting records, before me, we now spend financially released burden on essential maintenance and renewable projects for solar cells in Southern Africa and Germany, a great step forward into the more sustainable direction, pleasing greenpower1wo policies more effective and efficient.
The aforesaid agreement ceased in February 2022 by when the aforesaid Financial Service provider received not less than £164,267.74, against an originally borrowed amount of £102,500.oo on the Mortgage account and £ 37,640.oo on the Mortgage reserve account, last mentioned had been spent on the South African land & property investment "15 A Blairgowrie Road to South Africa", which went - certainly with the awareness of Barclays Plc - into the very strange and mysterious developments, leading to a complete demolishing, after neglecting essential maintenance by unlawfully occupying individuals, over several years of the property we clearly not just legitimately claim possession about but also sensibly demand and querying transparency about the financial records both Banks naming Barclays PLC and Standard Bank SA shall have financial intelligence, obviously difficult for both Banks to talk about, quite so?
Anyway, the unchained financial resources are being spent on what makes sense in the chronological meaning of TRANSPARENCY - FAIRNESS & SUSTAINABILITY, I suppose and I am confident about, at the same time!
Latest comments
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?