The gate development to the drive way, which allows suggestions that this development supposed to be a so called secured living complex with a security guard at permanent presents at entry, as seen here. Very common in South Africa as the result of great inequality between South African citizen and permanent resident, fuelling high crime rate. April 2022
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I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
I am back to London now after 5 full moth in Southern Africa updated just look for any thing ending 2022
web-page has been up-dated with new interesting discoveries and disturbing evidence that climate change leaves no part, solo, isolated or immune. She is clearly having the hump, all I can say now!
cheers for your message and request, yes I shall be back to Southern Africa in December, fingers crossed, as I am depending on third parties like carries e.g. and Authorities, quite so?